Image result for tectonic plates and earthquakes
General Topics
Slow-Moving Earthquakes

The scientific theory of plate tectonics (a word derived from the Greek word tectonicus which means ‘pertains to building’) describes the large-scale motion of the seven or eight major plates (the number depends on how […]

Image result for three aspects of green tribology
General Topics
Principles of Green Tribology

Peter Jost first used the term tribology in 1966 to describe the studies of science and technology that aim to understand how surfaces in relative motion to each other interact and the effects those interactions […]

Image result for disc brakes in a car
Advanced Materials
EHLA Protects Brake Discs

Brake discs are traditionally made with gray cast iron with lamellar graphite phases. The advantages are discs with good thermal conductivity, high thermal capacity, made at a relatively low cost. The disadvantage is that as […]