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12.02.2018On behalf of Professor George Adams. This is an overview of contact mechanics models in case of two spheres. The overview starts with Hertz model and continues to adhesive models and Greenwood-Williamson. A very good good summary for the case of two spheres. Read More493 downloads
29.03.2022TriboSolver (formerly known as Tribology Simulator) is a cloud based software for the simulation of the most common tribological problems: rough contact problem (pressure and subsurface stress calculations, deflections, stiffnesses), Elastohydrodynamic problem, Stribeck Curve simulation (calculation of friction in mixed lubricated contacts), calculation of contact temperatures in solids, wear and wear particles simulation and surface roughness evolution. You can find a guide on how to use TriboSolver here. The old version of TriboSolver can still be downloaded here. A manual can be found in the Help section. If you dont have MATLAB installed, you will need to install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR, free for download). See readme.txt file for further details. Solvers are based on the half-space approximation theory for the contact, thermal and hydrodynamic simulations, which makes it faster compared to Finite Element Method or other fully numerical approaches. Read More2236 downloads
Is the tribology simulator software a working one? when I press on ”Run” I get error of:
”error using waitforallfiguresclosed (line 9)”
”error while evaluating uicontrol callback”
Is there an updated version of software?
How to run it
It is very disappointing software. Please tell the steps to run the software.
Just a question, this software is a freeware or not?
Hi Anthony,
Its a free tool.
Hello Tribonet,
I am using Ubuntu and I haven’t been able to run this code due to it being a Windows tool (it’s in a .exe format not supported by Ubuntu). However, MATLAB is able to run on Ubuntu. Is there a chance I could get the underlying MATLAB code to implement directly using MATLAB?
thanks in advance,
Dear Dr. Aydar Akchurin,
My name is Dzung investigating wear particles. Currently, I try to use tribosimulator to study. However, I had some problems when I simulate it. The input file is OPD file. Simulation Type: Mixed-Lubricated Simulation. Macro Geometry: Line contact. Micro Geometry: rough and use only one surface. Contact Model: Semi-Analytic Elasto-Plastic. Solid Material: keep it. Lubrication Model: full numerical. Wear Model: Von Mises Stress Based (There are only 2 theory wear in your thesis, why does tribosimulator have 3 theory?). Tribochemistry, Thermal Modle: don’t use. Contact Conditions, Contact Grid, Hydrodynamic Grid: keep it. The problem is ”Reference to non-existent file FC”.
Best Regards,
Quoc Dzung
Hello Dr. Akchurin
Whenever I try to run a simulation, I end up getting an error that says ’Unrecognized function or variable ’S1’. So could you please help me with this?
Thank you
Amith R
([email protected])
will it run on windows 64 bit , i downloaded Matlab run compiler also but as per read me file but application doesnt get open
I am a beginner in lubrication theory. Recently I saw the Tribology Simulator package you shared on the Internet ( and it was very amazing. I am able to get the result using the input file (Inputs.mat, Simulation Type: Dry Contact Simulation) in the ZIP file. However, when I customize the parameters for analysis, it is particularly error-prone. Could you provide some input files ( .mat) about Full Film Simulation and Mixed Lubrication Simulation ? It is best to also provide the corresponding roughness file ( .csv). I would be very grateful if I could get your help.
I tried to used this simulator, but I had some problem with this. E.g.: some simulation results (wear) aren’t available, the simulation does not run in many cases. I don’t understand if I have the problem or is the software not working properly / not suitable for what it was invented for? If the latter two, it should not be available because it is misleading.
I have downloaded the surface file, but it is not uploading to tribosolver online, I also cannot get the matlab file to run either. Do you know what the issue could be?
Hi Sara!
Sorry for a delayed response. There were some issues with the server, now its fixed. You can use the online tool now.
Best regards,
I would like to use the Tribosolver to simulate the dry contact of rough surfaces (with GW and BEM). I want to start to read the manual that should appear when I select Help section but when I try to read it the next commands appear in the black screen:
Error using winopen (line 37) The specified file does not exist. Error in Tribology_Simulator>Manual_Callback (line 884) Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) Error in Tribology_Simulator (line 47) Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)Tribology_Simulator(’Manual_Callback’,hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) Error using waitforallfiguresclosed (line 14) Error while evaluating Menu Callback.
Thank you for developing these tools to help us!
Hi! Sorry for this! Could you send me an email on [email protected] and I will send the manual to you.
Hi, I use Tribosolver quite frequently and without having any issue till this month… now, I can run the simulations but cannot see any results… I have tried different browsers, internet connections, but no.. Is there any problem with the server or something? Please let me know….
I even tried to repeat the ”test simulation” that is given in the website, it runs but still no results…