2019 STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference


July, 23 2019
STLE Frontiers 2019


The Drake Hotel Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (USA)



STLE’s 2019 Tribology Frontiers Conference (TFC), co-sponsored by the ASME Tribology Division, will host researchers from more than 30 countries. The world’s top tribology researchers from industry, academia and government will be gathered to present their latest work. Spend four days exploring the role tribology will play in solving tomorrow’s most critical technical, environmental and societal challenges. The TFC is your opportunity to engage in cutting-edge areas of tribology research. Join us October 20–23, 2019, at the historic Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago.

This year, the TFC planning committee has created 8 technical tracks: (1.) Surfaces and interfaces, (2.) Biotribology, (3.) Fluid lubrication, (4.) Lubricants, (5.) Machine elements and systems, (6.) Energy/environment/manufacturing, (7.) Tribochemistry, and (8.) Materials tribology.

Conference Highlights

  • Three keynote speakers – Each presenting an outlook on a topic at the forefront of tribology research
  • 8-10 more comprehensive longer “Spotlights” talks and posters by noted principal investigators
  • Technical sessions featuring contributed 20-minute presentations from leading tribology researchers and institutions from around the world
  • Poster competition – Graduate, Undergraduate, and Early Career Researchers
  • Special Symposium “Beyond the Cutting Edge” organized by the editors of Tribology Letters

Further information can be found here.


Administration of the project