‘Space Fabric’ Links Fashion and Engineering
Raul Polit Casillas grew up around fabrics. His mother is a fashion designer in Spain, and, at a young age, he was intrigued by how materials are used for design. Now, as a systems engineer […]
Raul Polit Casillas grew up around fabrics. His mother is a fashion designer in Spain, and, at a young age, he was intrigued by how materials are used for design. Now, as a systems engineer […]
Quality Magazine have published an article about using benchtop mechanical testing to assess materials in the automotive industry, saving time and money. Full scale tests are often used to test the frictional behaviour of materials, […]
Controlling friction is one of the main goals in modern tribology. Due to complexity of the tribological processes, up to date the problem remains mainly unsolved. While classical tribology relies on the famous friction laws, […]
Engineering surfaces are heterogeneous and can be slippery or sticky locally depending on surface roughness and chemistry. The variation of surface properties affects the interaction between the wall and lubricant and determines friction. Slip can […]
Graphene is a unique material in many aspects and has recently been applied in various ways. In tribology, it has been shown to lead to a superlubricity – an ultra low friction state. In laboratory […]
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, the famous Italian engineer, architect, painter, musician, mathematician can also be considered as The First Tribologist! Although the term itself was invented approximately 450 years after Leonardo da Vinci […]