- K.L. Johnson, Contact Mechanics, 1985, Cambridge University Press. This treatise is concerned with the stresses and deformation of solid bodies in contact with each other, along curved surfaces which touch initially at a point or along a line. Examples are a railway wheel and rail, or a pair of gear wheel teeth. Professor Johnson first reviews the development of the theory of contact stresses since the problem was originally addressed by H. Hertz in 1882. Next he discusses the influence of friction and the topographical roughness of surfaces, and this is incorporated into the theory of contact mechanics. An important feature is the treatment of bodies which deform plastically or viscoelastically. In addition to stationary contact, an appreciable section of the book is concerned with bodies which are in sliding or rolling contact, or which collide.
- Valentin L. Popov, Hanbook of Contact Mechnics, Exact Solutions of Axisymmetric Contact Problems. Comprehensive reference open access book for axially symmetrical contact problems. The book contains a structured collection of the complete solutions of all essential axisymmetric contact problems. Based on a systematic distinction regarding the type of contact, the regime of friction and the contact geometry, a multitude of technically relevant contact problems from mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and medical engineering are discussed. The book takes into account adhesive effects which allow access to contact-mechanical questions about micro- and nano-electromechanical systems. Solutions are always obtained with the simplest available method – usually with the method of dimensionality reduction (MDR) or approaches which use the solution of the non-adhesive normal contact problem to solve the respective contact problem.
- Ernest Rabinowicz, Friction and Wear of Materials, Willey, New York,1965, Second Edition 1995. Friction and Wear of Materials written by one of the world’s foremost authorities on friction, this classic book offers a lucid presentation of the theory of mechanical surface interactions as it applies to friction, wear, adhesion, and boundary lubrication. To aid engineers in design decisions, Friction and Wear of Materials evaluates the properties of materials which, under specified conditions, cause one material to function better as a bearing material than another. Featured also are thorough treatments of lubricants and the sizes and shapes of wear particles. This updated Second Edition includes new material on erosive wear, impact wear, and friction. Professor Rabinowicz’s book will be especially welcomed by mechanical and design engineers, surface scientists, tribologists and others who design, produce and operate products, machines and equipment which involve friction and its effects.
- Valentin L. Popov, Contact Mechanics and Friction: Physical Principles and Applications; Springer 2010.This application-oriented book introduces the associations between contact mechanics and friction and with it offers a deeper understanding of tribology. It deals with the associated phenomena of contact, adhesion, capillary forces, friction, lubrication, and wear from one consistent viewpoint. The author goes into (1) methods of rough estimation of tribological quantities, (2) methods for analytical calculations which attempt to minimize the necessary complexity, (3) the crossover into numerical simulation methods. With these methods the author conveys a consistent view of tribological processes in various scales of magnitude (from nanotribology to earthquake research). Also, system dynamic aspects of tribological systems, such as squeal and its suppression as well as other types of instabilities and spatial patterns are investigated. This book contains problems and worked solutions for individual chapters in which the reader can apply the theory to practical situations and deepen the understanding of the material.
- James R. Barber. Contact Mechanics. Springer, 2018.
This book describes the solution of contact problems with an emphasis on idealized (mainly linear) elastic problems that can be treated with elementary analytical methods. General physical and mathematical features of these solutions are highlighted. Topics covered include the contact of rough surfaces and problems involving adhesive (e.g. van der Waals) forces.
The author is a well-known researcher in the subject with hands-on experience of the topics covered and a reputation for lucid explanations. The target readership for the book includes researchers who encounter contact problems but whose primary focus is not contact mechanics. Coverage is also suitable for a graduate course in contact mechanics and end-of-chapter problems are included.
- F.P. Bowden, D. Tabor, The friction and lubrication of solids. This classic work, originally published in 1950, was a landmark in the development of the subject of tribology. When it was first published, one reviewer wrote that it ‘marks the beginning of a new epoch in the study of friction and lubrication …. The most interesting and comprehensive work on a single branch of physics I have ever read.’ For the 1986 reprint David Tabor wrote a new preface, reviewing developments in the subject in the 36 years since the book first appeared. He has also added an appreciation of the life and work of F.P. Bowden, who died in 1968.
- B.N.J. Persson, Sliding Friction, Physical Principles and Applications, Springer. 2000. Sliding friction is one of the oldest problems in physics and certainly one of the most important from a practical point of view. The ability to produce durable low-friction surfaces and lubricant fluids has become an important factor in the miniaturization of moving components in many technological devices, e.g. magnetic storage, recording systems, miniature motors, and aerospace components. This book presents a broad overview of friction and an in-depth treatment of several fundamental and related topics. This monograph will be useful to physicists, chemists, materials scientists, and engineers who want to understand sliding friction. The book (or parts of it) could also form the basis for a modern undergraduate or graduate course on tribology. The author has been honored by the Volvo prize (1981), the Walter-Schottky prize (1996), and the John Yarwood Memorial Medal (1998). New topics covered in this second edition include nanoindentation, wear in combustion engines, effects of humidity, rolling and sliding of carbon nanotubes and the friction dynamics of granular materials.
- Bharat Bhushan, Principles and Applications of Tribology (Tribology in Practice Series). This fully updated Second Edition provides the reader with the solid understanding of tribology which is essential to engineers involved in the design of, and ensuring the reliability of, machine parts and systems. It moves from basic theory to practice, examining tribology from the integrated viewpoint of mechanical engineering, mechanics, and materials science. It offers detailed coverage of the mechanisms of material wear, friction, and all of the major lubrication techniques – liquids, solids, and gases – and examines a wide range of both traditional and state-of-the-art applications. For this edition, the author has included updates on friction, wear and lubrication, as well as completely revised material including the latest breakthroughs in tribology at the nano- and micro- level and a revised introduction to nanotechnology. Also included is a new chapter on the emerging field of green tribology and biomimetics.
- C. Mathew Mate and Robert W. Carpick, Tribology on the Small Scale: A Modern Textbook on Friction, Lubrication, and Wear. This book incorporates a bottom-up approach to friction, lubrication, and wear into a versatile textbook on tribology. This is done by focusing on how these tribological phenomena occur on the small scale — the atomic to the micrometer scale — a field often called nanotribology. The book covers the microscopic origins of the common tribological concepts of roughness, elasticity, plasticity, friction coefficients, and wear coefficients. In addition, this book also has chapters on topics not typically found in tribology texts: surface energy, surface forces, lubrication in confined spaces, and the atomistic origins of friction and wear. These chapters cover tribological concepts that become increasingly important at the small scale: capillary condensation, disjoining pressure, contact electrification, molecular slippage at interfaces, atomic scale stick-slip, and atomic bond breaking. Throughout the book, numerous examples are provided that show how a nanoscale understanding of tribological phenomena is essential to the proper engineering of important modern technologies such as MEMS, disk drives, and nanoimprinting. For the second edition, all the chapters have been revised and updated to incorporate the most recent advancements in nanoscale tribology. Another important enhancement to the second edition is the addition of problem sets at the end of each chapter.
- Jacob N. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 3rd Edition, Intermolecular and Surface Forces describes the role of various intermolecular and interparticle forces in determining the properties of simple systems such as gases, liquids and solids, with a special focus on more complex colloidal, polymeric and biological systems. The book provides a thorough foundation in theories and concepts of intermolecular forces, allowing researchers and students to recognize which forces are important in any particular system, as well as how to control these forces. This third edition is expanded into three sections and contains five new chapters over the previous edition.
- Ashlie Martini, Introduction to Tribology for Engineers, This textbook introduces the fundamental concepts of tribology to engineering students and to practicing engineers who will encounter friction, wear, and lubrication in their work. Tribology is an important, emerging field and this book fills a critical need by introducing the key concepts to engineers at a basic level. The content is written for engineers at the undergraduate level or above. Each chapter concludes with a series of questions to test the reader’s understanding of the main ideas as well as exercise problems with which the reader can practice using the engineering techniques presented.