Here is the list of highly reputed tribology journals. If you would like to add a related journal to the list, please send us an email or contact us via a contact form.
Tribology International (impact factor of 2.971) – most highly ranked international tribology journal. Publishes original research papers of the highest scientific quality to provide an archival resource for scientists from all backgrounds.
Tribology Letters (impact factor 1.891) – is a highly reputed international journal with advantage of relatively fast publishing procedure. The journal is devoted to the development of the science of tribology and its applications, particularly focusing on publishing high-quality papers at the forefront of tribological science and that address the fundamentals of friction, lubrication, wear, or adhesion.
Wear (impact factor 2.531) – a highly reputed international journal on the science and technology of friction, lubrication and wear. Wear journal is dedicated to the advancement of basic and applied knowledge concerning the nature of wear of materials. Broadly, topics of interest range from development of fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of wear to innovative solutions to practical engineering problems.
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, Tribology section – a fully Open Access journal, topics include in particular: fundamentals of the physics of friction, lubrication, wear, surface and interface layers, interplay of friction and vibrations, advanced materials including functional, active and graded materials, measurement and manipulation at micro- and nanoscale, numerical simulation methods in contact mechanics and tribology, applications in mechanical engineering, transport systems, aerospace engineering, biological sciences, medicine, geo tribology, etc.
Tribology Transactions (formerly known as ASLE transactions) – contains experimental and theoretical papers on friction, wear, lubricants, lubrication, materials, machines and moving components, from the macro- to the nano-scale. The papers will be of interest to academic, industrial and government researchers and technologists.
Journal of Tribology (impact factor 1.521) – highly reputed journal, features a mix of experimental, numerical, and theoretical articles dealing with all aspects of the field. In addition to being of interest to engineers and other scientists doing research in the field, the Journal is also of great importance to engineers who design or use mechanical components such as bearings, gears, seals, magnetic recording heads and disks, or prosthetic joints, or who are involved with manufacturing processes.
Friction – is a highly reputed, Open Access, peer-reviewed international journal for the publication of theoretical and experimental research works related to the friction, lubrication and wear.
Journal of Engineering Tribology (impact factor 1.320) – publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed papers from academia and industry worldwide on the engineering science associated with tribology and its application to machine elements.
Journal of Bio- and Tribo- Corrosion – publishes papers in all aspects of tribo-corrosion, ranging from biological environments to green energy technologies to bio-degradable metals and polymer composites.
Lubrication Science – is devoted to high-quality research which notably advances fundamental and applied aspects of the science and technology related to lubrication. It publishes research articles, short communications and reviews which demonstrate novelty and cutting edge science in the field, aiming to become a key specialized venue for communicating advances in lubrication research and development.
Lubricants (CiteScore 1.87) – is an international peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes regular research papers, reviews, letters and communications covering all aspects of tribology, including the study and application of the principles of friction, lubrication and wear.
Tribology and Materials – is an open access peer reviewed international scientific journal, established in 2022. It publishes original experimental and theoretical studies and review articles in all aspects of tribology and materials science and engineering. The journal does not charge any manuscript submission, processing or publishing fees.
Tribology in Industry – is open access, peer reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide the academic community and industry for the submission of original research and applications related to tribology. The journal was founded in 1979 by the Yugoslav Tribology Society (now Serbian Tribology Society). Tribology in Industry journal publishes original research papers and review articles in all aspects of the science of friction, wear and lubrication.
Tribologia – Finnish Journal of Tribology is an open access journal publishing both practical and scientific articles related to tribology: wear, friction and lubrication. It has peer reviewed publishing process, and no publication fees. Tribologia is published by the Finnish Society for Tribology since 1982.