We study the normal contact between representative rough surfaces in presence of a fluid flow in the static contact interface. Classically, the contact and the fluid-flow problems could be solved separately (one-way coupling), but for very high pressures in the fluid a simultaneous resolution of solid and fluid equations (two-way coupling) is needed. Both strategies will be presented via the boundary and finite element methods as well as via the self-consistent homogenization scheme. One of the main novelties is a careful account for fluid pockets which are trapped within non-simply connected contact zones. Such pockets of trapped lubricant influence the overall force balance and thus, among other things, affect the static friction of lubricated contact interfaces. But mainly, we will present some general results for the transmissivity of rough contact interfaces for incompressible creeping fluid within the one- and two-way coupling frameworks.
Keywords: contact, roughness, static sealing, fluid flow, trapped lubricant.