Origins of Sliding Friction
Origin of sliding friction: role of lattice trapping The friction force acting on a block sliding on a substrate is usually nearly velocity independent unless the sliding speed is so low that thermal activation is […]
Origin of sliding friction: role of lattice trapping The friction force acting on a block sliding on a substrate is usually nearly velocity independent unless the sliding speed is so low that thermal activation is […]
The famous picture of transportation of an Egyptian statue to the grave of Tehuti-Hetep, El-Bersheh indicates that the concept of lubrication was already known to ancient Egyptians. The picture below shows how the slaves are […]
The Industrial Fluid Properties Simulation Challenge is an open competition designed to push improvements in the field of molecular modeling and ensure simulations are relevant to real world industrial applications. The organizing committee of the […]
Engineering surfaces are heterogeneous and can be slippery or sticky locally depending on surface roughness and chemistry. The variation of surface properties affects the interaction between the wall and lubricant and determines friction. Slip can […]
Friction is a result of complex interaction of physical, chemical and mechanical forces at the sliding interface. Due to mentioned complexity, truly predictive models of friction are yet to be developed. As a result of […]
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is a powerful and convenient experimental measurement device in the field of nano-scale tribology. It was successfully applied to explore superlubricity in a graphene-gold interface and superlubricity due to repulsive van […]