What is lapping? Lapping is a type of finishing process which is carried out with the help of loose abrasives. In this finishing process, surface smoothening is achieved by the abrasive grains which are supported […]
What is lapping? Lapping is a type of finishing process which is carried out with the help of loose abrasives. In this finishing process, surface smoothening is achieved by the abrasive grains which are supported […]
Friction coefficient tables for solid lubricants, metals, plastics and anti-friction materials Friction coefficient tables for various material pairs in atmosphere and vacuum are provided below. The data was collected from various sources [1,2,3]. See the […]
Tribology Milestones Although the term tribology was only coined in 1966 by Peter Jost, humans have recognized the concept in some form for thousands of years. The earliest mention of tribology is actually in the […]
When talking about Lubricity, understanding the working principle of a lubricant becomes a must. Dry Contact or Dry Lubrication No matter how smooth a metal surface might appear microscopic, the surface is a collection of […]
Lubricants and Friction Lubricants act to reduce friction. Now, this makes it easier to keep machines running smoothly, and it cuts down on the amount of heat and wears caused by friction. A machine’s moving […]
Hydraulic fluids are used for power transmission in hydraulic machinery. Hydraulic machines use fluid’s ability to perform work. So, here is some example of equipment where usually hydraulic fluids are used like excavators and backhoe Loaders, […]
Formulation The main use of lubricants in motor vehicles as well as in industrial machinery is to reduce friction and wear from mechanical contact and heat. Friction is the force that opposes movement on two […]
Different Lubricant Testing Procedures & Its Importance Have you ever visited a doctor & doctor asks you to have a blood test done? Doctors do that usually because blood tests can tell a lot more […]
Lubrication of rolling bearings is one of the main tasks that deserve our attention. By maintaining proper lubrication procedures & the right quantity of lubricants, Reliability, Longevity & Energy Optimization goals can be achieved. But […]
What is Pour Point? The pour point is the lowest temperature at which oil flows in a specified lab test. Specifically, the pour point is 3℃ (5℉) above the temperature at which the oil shows […]