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Truncated Paraboloid on Elastic Flat: Online Calculator
This calculator allows calculating pressure , displacement (elastic deformation)
, average pressure
and resultant force
for the case of indentation of elastic half-space by a rigid truncated paraboloid. The substrate is elastic, the geometric parameters,
– radius of curvature,
– radius of the blunt end, indentation depth
and material parameters
are the inputs (see the figure and definitions below).
A truncated paraboloid is characterized by the blunt radius that covers the base, the contact radius
and the curvature
. The intender is described by the profile:
The contact radius can be deduced numerically using the relation that connects the geometrical parameters to each other:
Other parameters: Load force , displacement
and the stress profile
are given by the following formulas:
Equations were taken from [1].
Poisson’s ratio dimensionless,
Young’s modulus of elasticity , [Pa],
Equivalent elastic constant , [Pa],
Normal load , [N]